Cutlass Trilogy

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Things Called Time Machines...

This would probably be my gazillionth attempted at starting a blog...
But let's ignore that, and start all over again.

I'm Ashley, and I'm a writer. I've been writing for about 8 years. I love pirates, in fact, three of my books are about pirates. I'm a Junior at the University of Oklahoma. My major is English Writing. I am a Gates Scholar. I currently have a job that I want to quit. I have no time to write, which sucks (that's why I'm considering quitting). I'm taking Italian and because they say we're supposed to be positive, I'll tell you I'm good at it. In reality, I can hold up a...decentish conversation with an Italian...but you can't speak fast. I find time to work out everyday somehow. I'm in a Hip Hop as Poetry class where I will have to perform a rap. I have been to Ireland, it's lovely. My parents are, unlike other parents, very supportive of my wish to be a famous writer. So is my boyfriend....and his family...Which is also lovely. I like Ellen Degeneres. I love the Lord of the Rings, but my current obsession is How to Train Your Dragon and Zorro. I can't decide who my favorite band is because they all go mainstream and then I'm sad, but I like peeps like We Came as Romans and Paramore and The Killers and I See Stars and Dance Gavin Dance, and Bayside and....yeah.

SO...this blog will hopefully catalog my attempts to find an agent and get published. Recently, I posted a status asking who would like to read my book, and several people now have a copy of Cutlass!!  I'm so excited and hopefully, through them, I will find motivation to keep up with this blog. I suppose we'll see!

