Cutlass Trilogy

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blog Award!

 I received this lovely blog award from Krista over at I Take The Pen. She has a wonderful blog, I lovvvveee her posts, so make sure you check her blog out!!

Here are the rules:
1. In a post on your, blog, nominate 15 fellow bloggers for The Versatile Blogger Award.
2. In the same post, Add the Versatile Blogger Award.
3. In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
4. In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
5. In the same post, include this set of rules.
6. Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.

Seven Random Facts (about my college).
1. In the library there is an old section called the Stacks. It's supposed to be haunted.
2. If you walk below the clock tower, it's said you won't graduate in 4 years. I have never walked under the clock tower, and I'm graduating in 4 years!
3. In the middle of the south oval, we have something called the "passion pit"....I'll let you consider this one.
4. If you kiss in the "spoon holder" you'll marry your date!
5. Our mascots are two horses called Boomer and Sooner.
6. Ellison Hall is supposed to be haunted by a teacher who died there. Creepy!
7. Not so much a random fact is the fact that we don't like Texas (no know how football is!), ironically, there are a TON of students from Texas who attend The University of Oklahoma.

Fifteen bloggers...I might not make it quite to fifteen, but I'll give this award to some deserving people!

1. Emma Lauren
2. Kittie Howard
3. Gary Gauthier
4. Julie Flanders
5. Amanda Leigh Cowley
6. Shannon Duffey
7. Christine Rains

Now, GO CHECK THESE BLOGS OUT! :D You won't be sorry!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love blogger awards because they're such a great way to discover amazing new blogs. Thanks for the great links!
